Mad Max: Fury Road, released in 2015 and directed by George Miller, is an exciting action movie set in a bleak, post-apocalyptic world. It is the fourth film in the Mad Max series. In this harsh future, essential resources like water and fuel are hard to find. The story revolves around Max Rockatansky, played by Tom Hardy, who is a former police officer turned wanderer. He gets captured by the War Boys, a violent group led by Immortan Joe, portrayed by Hugh Keays-Byrne. Joe is a cruel dictator who controls the limited water supply.
Mad Max: Fury Road - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
movie: | Mad Max: Fury Road |
IMDB Rating: | 8.1/10 |
Genre: | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi |
Language: | English |
Director: | George Miller |
Main Cast: | Tom Hardy (Max Rockatansky), Charlize Theron (Imperator Furiosa), Nicholas Hoult (Nux), Hugh Keays-Byrne (Immortan Joe), Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (The Splendid Angharad) |
Release Date: | May 15, 2015 |
Banner: | Warner Bros. Pictures, Village Roadshow Pictures |
Music: | Not available |
Budget: | $150 million |
Runtime: | 2h |
Max becomes a blood donor for one of Joe’s fighters but manages to escape with the help of Furiosa, played by Charlize Theron. Furiosa is a brave war leader who has left Joe’s army after taking five young women, whom Joe uses for breeding, in an attempt to find safety in the “Green Place.” The film then takes viewers on a thrilling chase through the desert, showcasing big car battles and stunning stunts.
Fury Road is renowned for its impressive visuals, relying mostly on real effects rather than computer-generated imagery, and highlights bright colors in its desert scenes. The film is also recognized for its strong feminist message, with Furiosa as the main hero. It received widespread acclaim for its direction, action scenes, and acting, winning six Academy Awards.